Sunday, February 11, 2007

in response to the bar theory

So, the bar theory basically says that no guy, when he encounters a number of females he doesn't know, looks for one with a great personality. He goes for the pretty ones, hoping to find one with a good personality before he gets too far down the line. Whether or not we believe that guys do this, we all agree that guys shouldn't do this, right? It's the old saying, "don't judge a book by its cover."

Let's go with this analogy for a minute, shall we? You're in a bookstore, and by some terrible bad luck, they don't stock any of your favorite authors. In fact, they don't even stock any authors you've even heard of. So you go and pick up this sort of ugly-looking mass market paperback, right? What's that, you say? No, you'd go and check out the hardcover with a beautiful, appealing cover? Well, of course you would! You can't read the back cover and first few pages of every book in the bookstore. So you pick up the ones that look appealing, and see if the story seems interesting and the writing good. It's what you do. If you know you like the author, or if the book has been recommended to you, you'll pick up an ugly book, but all other things being equal, why would you?

So back to the point. What honestly is a guy supposed to do besides judge by looks, at least initially? I feel like a traitor for writing this. I'm a girl who's not blonde, fashionable, cool, athletic, or a size 2. I don't want this to be true. I don't want this to be the only reasonable course of action open to a guy. But how is it not? It's not as though likeability and attractiveness are mutually exclusive or even inversely related. A guy is just as likely to meet an attractive girl with a great personality as an unattractive girl with a great personality. So, assuming he can woo either, why shouldn't he go for the cute size 2 blonde? If I'm wrong, please tell me. Or better yet, convince every guy you know of the fact. I promise you, I do want to be wrong, for if I am right, the world has suddenly become a far more depressing place for me and mine.

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