Wednesday, March 21, 2007

2 sadly underrated products

So what's this I hear about this new Olay body lotion? I've seen ads for it a couple times, and it's being touted as 'breaking the cycle of dry skin.' Okay, think about that for just a minute. Olay earns money selling lotion. If they invented a lotion so amazing that once you use it, your skin stops being dry, why would they want to market and sell it? This would be like Starbucks giving out a recipe for their amazingly good hot chocolate that actually made amazingly good hot chocolate. I would never buy hot chocolate again; I would make my own. They would have destroyed the market for their product. If I used a remarkable lotion that kept my skin from drying out, why would I ever buy it again? I wouldn't. My skin wouldn't be dry. I wouldn't need to. In short, this is one of the more ridiculous advertising pitches I've ever seen. Whether or not it's a good lotion, I refuse to buy it on principle alone.

St. Ives' Whipped Silk, however, is as far as I'm concerned pretty much the perfect lotion. It makes my skin feel nice and soft without making me feel like I need to wash my hands before I can touch a book. And it smells nice.

It is an interesting fact of life that brand names that become names for types of products in their own right (Xerox, Q-Tip, Band-Aid, etc.) are automatically assumed to be the best of their kinds. Or usually it is only interesting; in the case of Kleenex, it is interesting and unfortunate. For Kleenex is not in fact the best tissue. I have found it to be little better than the store brand. The absolute hands-down best brand of tissue is Puffs. They're much thicker and softer. They may be pricier; I honestly don't know - I don't bother looking at anything else. If they are, though, I promise they're worth it.

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